TY News

Transition Year Expenses 23/24

Please see below a list of expenses to date and projected expenses for the remainder of the current TY year. Last summer each TY student paid €200 and we have not requested any further payments to date. As we have a significant schedule of activities booked between now and the end of the year, a further TY activities payment of €200 per student is necessary. Trish in our office will forward a way to pay text with a link for this payment. The cost of T.Y.is as low as possible.  You will see from the list of expenses that the school largely subsidises any costs involved in TY. It is important to point out that all activities listed must be booked months in advance. Therefore, all activities listed must be booked for the full cohort of students enrolled in Transition Year. The costs involved remains the same regardless of whether or not individual students are absent or choose not to participate in a particular event on a particular day. Therefore all costs apply to all TY students. We request that all parents try to make the payment as promptly as possible so that we can continue to provide as meaningful and enjoyable a TY experience. 

Timmy Jones